Letter Pad Sample Download

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Plaintext: T H I S I S S E C R E T OTP-Key: X V H E U W N O P G D Z - Ciphertext: Q C P W C O F S R X H S In groups: QCPWC OFSRX HS To decrypt a letter, we take the key letter on the left and find the ciphertext letter in that row. The plaintext letter is at the top of the column where you found ciphertext letter. In our example, we take the X row, find the Q in that row and see the plain T on top of that column. As a mnemonic we can consider the column header as plaintext, the row header as key and the square field as ciphertext. Finding the proper letter at the cross section can be cumbersome. There are several more practical versions of the Vigenere table, like a or, These images can be saved by right-clicking and than printed and cut out.

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There are, however, more convenient and faster systems to encrypt letters. One such system is a table with reciprocal alphabets, which is much faster than a Vigenere table and therefore ideal to encrypt larger volumes of messages by hand. The manual DIANA crypto system, used by U.S. Special Forces during the Vietnam War, is one such system that uses a reciprocal table ( ). For each column letter there is a normal alphabet and a reversed alphabet. For each column, the reversed alphabet is shifted one position against the previous reversed alphabet. Such reciprocal tables come in various formats but they all use the same principle.

Thanks to its reciprocal properties, encryption and decryption are identical and require only a single column. The order of plain, key and cipher letter don't matter and may even differ for sender and receiver.

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The table is easy to use and it is virtually impossible to make a mistake. Note that this table is not compatible with the Vigenere table! You can download the as.txt file (right-click and save).

Plaintext: T H I S I S S E C R E T OTP-Key: X V H E U W N O P G D Z - Ciphertext: J X K D X L U H I C S H In groups: JXKDX LUHIC SH To decrypt, take column X, go downward to J and find plain letter t at its right. Again, the order of key and cipher letter don't matter. The beauty of this system is the ease and speed of finding plain and cipher letters in whatever order you like best.

Letterhead Sample Download


There is also a methode to memorize the reciprocal table and speed up the process even more. When encrypting F + G = O, we decrypt this as O + G = F, but also as G + O = F. We call this the trigram combination FGO. Because of the reciprocal property, we can use the trigram FGO for any possible combiation, that is, FGO, FOG, OFG, OGF, GFO and GOF. Thus, if you encrypt or decrypt any letter from the trigram with another letter from the trigram you will always get the remaining letter of the trigram.

We therefore only need to remember the trigram FGO and instantly know every variation of the trigram. This reduces the number of combinations to memorize from 676 to 126. Any user can create his list of mnemonics by memorizing the 126 possible trigrams in any desired order. FGO can easily be remembered as the word 'FOG'.

Some other examples are TAG (derived from AGT), AIR, HRB (HR Bureau), NNZ (northeren new zealand), OXO (the game), AMN (a-mu-nition) or BGS (Better Get Smart), to name a few examples. Everyone picks his own connotations to easily remember the trigrams. Trained operators can encrypt and decrypt on-the-fly at high speed without using a table. You can download the full list of as.txt file (right-click and save) The full list of 126 reciprocal trigrams to be memorized in any order (e.g. ABY is also AYB, BAY, BYA, YAB and YBA).

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